Chateau Paradis Casseuil 2018
🎉Chateau Paradis Casseuil 2018
⭐️ 最抵飲Lafite集團系列紅酒
⭐️ 拉菲集團旗下古堡
Chateau Paradis Casseuil 2018
產區:Bordeaux , France
葡萄品種: 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 70% Merlot
Size: 750ml
這款2017年的Château Paradis Casseuil混合了70% Merlot和30% Cabernet Sauvignon,初時聞落有皮革、黑莓和成熟車厘子的鮮果香,其後展現出濃郁的黑梅、熟布冧、煙草、黑朱古力、咖啡這幾種層次分明的香氣; 入口初時有成熟車厘子、黑梅、熟布冧的新鮮果味; 醒酒30-45分鐘後,一陣陣濃郁的黑朱古力、咖啡慢慢包圍著口腔,並帶有雲尼拿、甘草的味道。絲滑的單寧初時有Château Lafite Rothschild (拉菲)的神韻,非常優雅!果然有拉菲精神!醒酒後單寧變得扎實有力,與恰到好處的酸度、豐富的味道融合得非常平衡!
Château Paradis Casseuil (凱薩天堂古堡)位於Entre-Deux-Mers - 法國波爾多兩海之間產區,酒莊的名稱取自於一個叫做Casseuil(卡瑟)的城鎮名,那裡最重要的一片葡萄園叫 Vines of Paradise(葡萄天堂),所以亦稱為凱薩天堂古堡。現為Domaines Barons de Rothschild Lafite - DBR(拉菲羅斯柴爾德集團)旗下的酒莊之一,擁有53公頃的葡萄園,僅生產Château Paradis Casseuil這一款紅酒。Château Paradis Casseuil葡萄酒的特點是新鮮,果香和花香,年輕時就可以享用。
The wines of Château Paradis Casseuil are characterized by their freshness, intense fruity and slightly woody aromas. They can be consumed within 2 to 3 years after harvest.
The average production of Château Paradis Casseuil is 8,000 cases per year. The choice of a limited yield aims to guarantee high quality wines, respectful of the DBR (Lafite) style.
Deep purple colour. The nose is flattering dominated by soft spicy notes, grilled almonds and discreet toasted scents. In mouth it is well-balanced, round, medium structure with soft tannins. Peppery aromas at the end.
🔞根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.